The fifth generation
Chihiro Nakata
中田 千尋
伝統 最新
We have created Daruma dolls that
combine tradition
and the latest design,
represented by "Amabie Daruma"
and "Gradient Daruma," in a new and innovative way.

Continuing to pass on traditional crafts that are in line with the times.
I wanted to convey the charm to people overseas.
I participated in exhibitions abroad and appeared in foreign media.
From that experience,
I was convinced that Japanese traditional crafts
can be appreciated internationally.
However, the world entered the COVID-19 pandemic,
and I couldn't do what I wanted as planned.
Nevertheless, during my overseas trips,
I was inspired by designs from abroad
that I experienced with my five senses.
I developed the "Amabie Daruma" to turn adversity
into opportunity.
Starting from zero sales, it has become a major hit
with over 40,000 units sold.
At the same time,
I also created the unique design of the "Gradient Daruma,"
combining tradition and contemporary design.
I continue to convey traditional crafts
with designs that are in line with the times.
History of Overseas Event Exhibitions
- September, 2017
- Sales event in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia
- April, 2018
- Exhibition and sales event in Taiwan
- July, 2018
- Exclusive sales event at London Daimon-ya
Painting experience event at UNIQLO Marais Store in Paris - December, 2018
- Exhibition and sales event in Taiwan
- January, 2019
- Exhibition and sales event in Shanghai
Japan Brand sales event and performance in Suzhou - June, 2019
- Exhibition and sales event at Ginza Mitsukoshi
- July, 2019
- Exhibition and sales event in Taiwan
- October, 2019
- Exhibition and sales event in Taiwan
Media Appearances History
- November, 2015
- 秘密のケンミンshow
- October, 2016
- 秘密のケンミンshow
- September, 2017
- 更生日報
慶修院日本匠師客製化彩繪 - September, 2017
- 更生日報
逹摩翁指不屈不燒精神今成日本人吉祥物 - November, 2017
- 聯合新聞網 日本群馬縣傳統文化彩繪體驗
- March, 2018
- 群馬県事業者インタビュー
香港CNN - April, 2018
- 更正日報
民視新聞網 - June, 2018
- 商工たかさき~最前線~
- July, 2018
- 讀賣新聞~旬の人~
- August, 2018
- 讀賣新聞世界版
- October, 2018
- 公視晚間新聞
- January, 2019
- NHK首都圏ネットワーク
おはよう日本 - March, 2019
- NHKワールド
- April, 2019
- 週刊文春
- May, 2019
- NHKワールド~Direct Talk~
- July, 2019
- 更生新聞網
- October, 2019
- 上毛新聞
- December, 2019
- FM群馬
- April, 2020
- 上毛新聞
- July, 2020
- 世界一受けたい授業
- October, 2020
- 広域連携インバウンドシンポジウム
- November, 2021
- 朝日新聞
- December, 2021
- スーパーJチャンネル
ANN YouTube
- January, 2022
- シューイチ
- February, 2022
- 出没!アド街ック天国
- April, 2022
- ザワつく!金曜日
- October, 2022
- 1億3000万人のSHOWチャンネル
- November, 2022
- NHKあさイチ
- December, 2022
NHK ゆう5時
We value our conversations with customers.
The 5th generation personally conveys
their thoughts and charm through
"On-site painting experience."
Through reverse import from overseas,
we have appeared on various famous TV programs and now,
with the attention on Amabie Daruma,
it is the perfect time to personally convey the thoughts
and charm of traditional Japanese crafts.
We will be conducting on-site painting experiences.
Delivery Experience
Chiro Nakata, the 5th generation,
offers on-site painting experiences.
- Experience fee per person:
- 2,200 yen
- Travel expenses
for 20-50 people: 55,000 yen
50 people or more: 88,000 yen
- Transportation fee:
180 yen/km from 9am to 5pm,
200 yen/km after 5pm
- The same content can also be provided online (via Zoom, etc.).
For reservations and inquiries regarding our on-site experience,
please contact us by phone.